Joe Biden won't sit in president seat!!

 Biden won't sit in president seat

Eventhough Biden victory is confirmed his chance of taking presidential oath is still a question this statement will definitely shock the people but the current situation looks like Biden president seat is ? . This is mainly because of Trump attitude on not accepting the defeat . Trump already mentioned that he will conduct a case on Biden victory in supreme court this will make presidential ceremony to take long time. 

It looks like person around Trump family and fellow ministers convencing Trump to accept the defeat and resign before December as a manner of respect to the country people but Trump refuses everyone.

The upcoming pandemic-2 will postponed Biden dream

We all know that the pandemic-1 of covid-19 caused serious damage in USA  . Before the scars of first pandemic left world health organization(WHO) warned for pandemic -2 and it's already ongoing in European countries .If it attacked USA the presidential ceremony will be postponed till it get cured this will become a great advantage for current president Donald Trump to continue in power.

Trump may start war against Iran and China

Trump inorder to protect his presidential power he may declare war on Iran or China as an act of premeditate measure due to ongoing tensions between these countries some political analysts says that it may start with a false flag operation but still these are just assumptions . However Biden on taking power as a president won't be as easy Unless and until Trump steps down from the seat.

Upcoming civil war 

If the above options didn't work for Donald Trump he may trigger a civil war in USA among the country people this can start by crashing the stock market or attacking Democratic party members . Whatever it is we can clearly understand that Trump won't give his presidential seat to Biden.

Comment your views on Trump strategy of retaining his power down below.


  1. The virus will not stop Biden's inauguration, just the gathering of thousands to celebrate it.


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